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‍If you are interested in purchasing a print of one of my photos, want to use my photos on your website or you have a question or comment, please send your inquiry through the form below . For photo inquiries, include a description of the photo of interest and the URL. Note that I have a much larger collection of photographs on display in my PBase photo database.

‍For prints: Include the size of the print desired and the type of print (paper, canvas, metal, etc.). 

‍For web use: Include the URL of your website and how you propose using the photo.

‍I will email a price for the print or the price and licensing terms for web use.

‍Using my photos on a web site without permission violates copyright laws. 

‍All of my photographs are registered with the U.S. Copyright office. ImageRights International, a leader in the global fight against the infringement of copyrighted works by photographers, works with attorneys to pursue copyright infringement claims on my behalf. Check my copyright page for more information.

‍I protect my copyright interests. In the event that a copyright infringement is discovered you will be notified by ImageRights, invoiced and potentially sued for damages. If the infringement is determined to be willful you may be prosecuted for copyright Infringement in U.S. Federal Court where you will be subject to a fine of $150,000 statutory damages as well as court costs and attorneys' fees.

Complete the form and click “send”  


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Purchase photos

Photographs and text: Copyright - Pat D. Hemlepp. All rights reserved. Photographs may not be used without permission.

Attorneys affiliated with ImageRights International pursue copyright infringement claims on my behalf.