This web site and all images and text displayed are © Copyright – Pat D. Hemlepp. All rights reserved. All photos on this site have been registered with the U.S. Copyright Office, Registration Numbers VAu 1-221-472, VAu 1-244-250, VAu 1-243-743, VAu 1-253-982, VAu 1-221-472, VAu 1-261-378, VAu 1-243-743, VAu 1-253-982, VAu 1-261-378, VAu1-274-668, VAu1-288-408, VAu 1-302-489, VAu 1-319-278, VAu 1-331-786, VAu 1-342-966, and VAu 1-369-625. Photographs may not be reproduced for any reason without written permission.
WARNING: I protect my copyright interests. In the event that a copyright infringement is discovered you will be notified by ImageRights (the firm that works with attorneys to pursue copyright infringement claims on my behalf), invoiced and potentially sued for damages. If the infringement is determined to be willful you may be prosecuted for copyright infringement in U.S. Federal Court where you will be subject to a fine of $150,000 (US) statutory damages as well as court costs and attorneys' fees.
Use of my images on your web sites requires permission in advance. Failure to obtain permission may result in the offending web site being removed from the Internet under terms of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
Images on ARE NOT in the public domain and cannot be used without permission.
To get permission to use an image:
E-mail me, using my Contact page. There will be a fee for commercial use of an image. I may, at my discretion, grant limited, one-time rights for non-commercial use of an image for free.
Use without permission:
U.S. copyright laws provide a number of remedies to photographers and artists whose images are used without proper permission.
These include:
Information on U.S. copyright laws is available at the U.S. Copyright Office web site.